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Friday, October 27, 2006

Well week 20 is here and I am finally half way through. John has been feeling sick all week long so hopefully this weekend he'll get the rest he needs to get better. I remember dad's infamous saying of "You can be just as sick at school as you can at home". John and dad are a lot alike in that respect, 'cept John will come home before his 12 hours of work are up... and that is a good thing. I finally bought some shoes for work and they should last until I leave sometime this next winter... I can't believe that it's coming up so soon. I think I will leave at the begining of February or so. Three more months!!! My dr appointment went really well, he said my uterus was measuring high but is sure that is from my short torso... there isn't anywhere for the little peanut to go but up and out. I have my ultrasound in a week and a half and am so excited for it.
I finished knitting a scarf late Wednesday night. I was determined to finish it. John came home just before 7pm that day, he took a shower and we ate dinner, watched about an hour of "The Matrix Reloaded" and he passed out on the couch. So we both got up and headed for bed. It was 8:30. I was no where near being tired enough to fall asleep, so with the bathroom light on I sat in bed next to John and finished knitting my scarf. It's really warm and John likes it too. Maybe I'll make him one for work. It's getting so cold out and being in the shop all day with no heat is so miserable. I'm sure that helped him get sick.
Yesterday I spent the whole day with Toni. We haven't had a day off together for months so it was nice to catch up a little bit. We went to Chang's Mongolian Grill and had lunch, we spent an hour and a half there just talking, then we went to mom and dad's house and they had a bunch of "treasures" for us to take home. Then we drove to the German Bakery on Sandy Blvd and looked all around. I hadn't been in there since they remodeled and expanded. They now have a deli and all sorts of treats. We each bought some Pffefenuse and a pastry, Toni had an eclair and I bought a Marzipan Torte. It was delicious, Almond and Apricot. From there we went to K-mart so she could look at a computer desk and from there we went to Babies r Us and I showed her all the things that I have registerd for. She doesn't like the crib but I love it. Then to Baby Depot and we looked there for a bit too. After that I drove to Wal-mart so she could pick up the computer that they had on layaway. The clerk at the checkout lane was on crack or something. She told him atleast 4 times that I heard that the computer was paid for and she was just getting the desk. Well he tried to ring it in anyway. It even had a large pink sticker with all the layaway info on it. While she was checking out I went to my car to make room for all her big boxes. That was a challenge. She came out just as I was calling John to see when he would be home. Someone from the store helped load everything in and we were off to Toni's house. Toni wouldn't let me lift anything. But I carried in her printer... She scooted the desk all the way to the door and pushed it on the carpet to the spot that they were going to set it up. Then we left again, Chuckie met us at the Taco Bell near Winco so I could grocery shop. I ran into Adam Pinkston there (Taco Bell) and we chatted for a bit. He was on his way to an elders meeting. Toni and Chuckie left and I went shopping. By the time I was done I was so sleepy, I had another 25 minutes before I would be home. Then as everyone knows who's lived in an apartment loading everything to your kitchen is a chore. I had to make 4 trips back and forth to the parking lot. I bought a mop and bathtub cleaner and other cleaning supplies and I suddenly got a surge of energy, I started yet another load of laundry and began with the toilets. They have rust or something that just won't come off... Then I scrubbed the bath tub... Imagine if you will: months of grease and goo from the shop in layers on my bathtub and shower walls. It took about 20 min of hard scrubbing to get that off. Man, My arms were about to fall off by the time I was done. I should have done before and after pictures to show you. John was very pleased to have a clean tub to shower in... He was in such a good mood when he got home. Must have been all the fumes :-)
In Honnor of the cancelled Oktoberfest we had Brawts and kraut. Well I had kraut. We watched the first half of "Pearl Harbor" and called it a night, Well half of the first half. I don't think we have finished watching a whole movie in months. Pear Harbor was a good date movie for us. We would watch it in John's room at his folks house before we got married. He had a dvd player hooked up to a projector and we would watch it on the wall. "Big screen". Even then we fell asleep before it was over... Well the afternoon is upon me and I have to get ready for work. Another day another dollar, Right???

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I love "Saturdays". It's a chance to see how much cleaning and house work that needs to be done and then I roll over and fall back asleep. Partially true though. I have been doing laundry for what seems like forever and the dishes never seem to end... The junk mail to sort through... We tend to get a lot of mail for John's dad seeing as they have the same same save their middle name. but how offen do you get mail addressed to your full name unless it's a bill and other unwanted mail??? and it's usually just your initial anyway.
I have been putting off buying new shoes for work. I have needed them for months now but I loath shoe shopping. I don't like spending money on things that are just for work. but they are a tax write off. I am loving the jeans that alyssa lent to me.... and the stretchy pants from tami. i have noticed while putting on my shoes a minute ago that there is a lot of pressure when i bend over... I have been feeling peanut move a lot lately and it has been a comfort to have that. My next doctor appointment is on Monday and then in two weeks from that is our big ultrasound. I don't know why it's refered as that.... maybe because it's when you can find out the sex of the baby... Which John and I are not. Shirley brought some baby outfits over to the shop along with some diapers... They are too cute, one for a girl and one for a boy. Now just to narrow that down from all the other cute outfits that I have and will be getting.
Well I have to get off the computer, if I don't know then I never will...
Oh, This is what John does while I'm at work

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

~*~Trimester Month Week Countdown~*~
Month One (1-4): COMPLETE!!
Month Two (5-8): COMPLETE!!
Month Three (9-13): COMPLETE!!
Month Four (14-17): IN PROGRESS!!
Month Five (18-21): SOON TO COME!!
Month Six (22-26): SOON TO COME!!
Month Seven (27-30):SOON TO COME!!
Month Eight (31-35): SOON TO COME!!
Month Nine (36-40): SOON TO COME!!
At work last night I was informed that I am not allowed to have a stool to sit on durring my shift... Being very hormonal and upset I called my boss an asshole (not to their face), not Amber the rest. manager but the GM for the hotel. Last time I read anything about standing for long periods of time while pregnant can cause serious complications. Low birth weight, early delivery, and vericose veins just to get started. I'm not talking about standing for two or three hours, my shift is 7 hours on my feet. 6.75 if i get a break and for the 2 times I need to use the restroom... Why is it the peole who 1) have a chair in their office that they're in most of the day think it "unprofessional" to be sitting down durring your shift. And 2) have never been pregnant and don't understand what it's like.... Give me a break. If a man ever had to go through the process of carrying a child and work a full time job things would be so different. I'm thinking about having my dr. fax a note advising him to allow me the stool. It's not like I'm up there slouching or reading a magazine. I should also copy off all the resources that I have to back up my claim.
I have also been given tips by uninformed MALES about my weight. One co-worker said to me
"be careful not to gain too much weight" Really, I thought I was supposed to eat everything in sight and gain 100 pounds. Good Lord. What plannet are these apes from. What women enjoys gaining weight??? I have yet to find one. I know he was trying to be helpful cause he looked akward when he said it as to be sure not to offend. I told him the next day that my uterus is the size of a cantalope or larger.... Where would he hide one if there was one in him....
Then last night another guy asked if the baby was due soon. Folks, I can still bend over and touch my toes, I can see my feet and shave my legs in the shower standing on one leg. I don't know too many non pregnant women who can do that.
I wonder what they are thinking. Have none of these people been around a woman who was pregnant and to term... we'll talk about huge then. I can't wait until Christmas time and early next year in the third trimester.... I love all the unwanted advice I have been getting.... And I know it's only going to get worse. Women who have had children or are in fact pregnant at that moment can comment.... but guys (unless a certified ob-gyn), honnestly, be quiet because you have no idea what you are talking about
Nough said

Monday, October 09, 2006

I was searching on MSN to get some more information on the newest "don't eat the vegetables cause it can kill you" news and I came across the trailer for a movie coming out on dad's birthday Dec. 1st.

It's called the Nativity Story and from what I can tell it will be well worth the money to go and see it. The web page is http://www.thenativitystory.com and I have included a trailer of the movie incase you want to see it now.

It is very dramatic and I don't know if it's the hormones or not but I couldn't help but sob. I think this is why I enjoy Christmas so much. It reminds us that Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby, and even though he deserved a palace he was born in a humble stable. He deserved to eat at banquet every night but grew up eating what a poor carpenter could afford. Please take a minute to truly appreciate what this season really is about and thank the Lord for it.

At work we have been having a group of mostly ladies staying at out hotel. They are with Art and Soul and have been invading our restaurant since last Tuesday night. Again we find our water glasses with residue from their paints and glitter, glue on the tables and notes written on our menus to write an essay. I think that the majority of them will be gone today and that's good. I haven't gotten off work on time for the whole week coming home at midnight is a stretch. And I just realized that I have 20 minutes to get ready for work....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

So I am sitting here on the computer all morning reading about what to expect in my 17th week of pregnancy and "peanut" decided to start tapping at my tummy. It's such a great feeling. Last night during dinner I was leaning over, elbows on my knees and it felt like a fish squirming around in there... The first trimester your afraid because miscarriage is more common, second trimester most of your pregnancy symptoms have gone away 'cept for not being able to fit into your pants. And you start to feel the baby tap and move a little, and when you don't feel anything you're paranoid that the baby died and is just in there. But then the tapping and squishy fishy movements start again and I find myself overjoyed and sit here crying in my happiness. I have been one of the lucky ones and have been recognizing movements and tapping for a couple weeks now, which is considered really early, I guess I can tell the difference between baby and gas. Some women don't feel anything until the 20th week. That would drive me crazy. To be huge with baby and know it's there and growing but to not feel it move. It does at times make me just amazed at the human body. I have another human being inside. A little person that God decided to give to us. I really do feel fortunate. John is under the impression that we are going to be "popping" them out one after the other. 6 under 6. I don't think so. Unless there's like a set of twins or two. He thinks ten is a good number. That has to be a joke.
If any of you have been to Fred Meyer, target, Michael's or anywhere to shop you have noticed that the Christmas decoration frenzy has begun. I can't help but be excited, I have always loved this time of year. Maybe it's because my birthday is right around the corner, the early hopes for snow and hoping to get what I asked for. I remember looking through the JC Penny catalog and circling all the toys I wanted, still haven't gotten that electric keyboard, but that's okay. I remember getting matching everything with Toni. Either a doll that was the same but with different hair color or clothes and pj's that matched. Indeed. I remember spending all the birthday money that I received as presents from my grandparents and using that to buy my family their Christmas presents. I would usually need to "borrow" some money from mom to help pay for things. And it seems to me that we were always one of the shoppers who would be out the day before franticly trying to find something for someone. I have always been a planner, a list person. But I am also lazy and a procrastinator. What type personality is that? I love to plan things and think about how I want them but I truly lack motivation. Like this blog, I have a hard time sitting down doing the same thing until it's finished. Maybe that's why I have a half finished quilt, unraveled yarn and books half read. I get bored and move onto something else.
Well, speaking of needing to move onto something else, I think it's just about time.