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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

pregnancy calendar
At yesterdays appointment my blood presure was still on the high side so I was sent to the lab afterward to have blood drawn to test for pregnancy induced hypertension. Everything else at the appointment was fine, baby is doing well, hearbeat was at 164bpm. 45 days to go!!! Part of my mucus plug came out last night... apparently it will regenerate itself, I don't think I'm close to going into labor yet. And apparently it can take anywhere from three weeks till delivery for it all to come out and even then that isn't an absolute that I'll be going into labor... Peanut has the hiccups again!!! Sometimes I'll just be standing or walking and it feels like the baby is trying to push a foot through my cervix and it gets pretty uncomfortable.
I am training the new hostess who will be taking my place when I leave and it's been a good experience so far. She's smart and doesn't seem shy about jumping in and learning. Which makes my job a lot easier! It's very strange to think about not going to work anymore. I'm glad but I think after the second week of being home alone all day I'll start to miss it...
On Sunday we were supposed to go to our birthing class but John's shoulder has been bothering him and thought it would be better if we sat this week out so he could rest. So I spent the evening finishing cleaning out the baby's room and I even rearranged the "furnitre". I moved the craddle back into the room and moved the spare bed against the other wall, then set the craddle next to it. I'm not too sure how I want it to be set up yet. We might even keep the computer in the room if we can find a smaller desk. The one we have now takes up too much space. Then I moved the printer hutch thing into the closet and John wheeled the cabenet into the hall closet and I'll put my books on that. It's strange having this much room in here now. But it will be filled with baby stuff in a matter of weeks.
Toni and Alyssa are throwing me a shower in a little less than three weeks and then the next weekend Shannon and Lauren from work are giving me a shower. Then Peanut will be due in three weeks after that! I need to get going. My new favorite show is going to be on in a few minutes... Oh and John is going to get a phone hooked up finally for our apartment. I'll be sure to give ya'll my number when we have it.