Too early...
So our apartments are in the process of being painted... There was someone outside of our bedroom window at 7:15 this morning... John get's up and closes the window so the paint doesn't get in and make it smelly. I tossed and turned until 8 and decided to get up. Too early... not being a morning person as I haven't gotten off work earlier than 11:00pm for a long time I have never been able to get up, and now my pregnancy has made me more sleepy and i feel a greater need for rest. I might take a nap after lunch though.
I had my second dr.'s appointment today and it went okay, pee in a cup, weigh in EEEKKK!!! not that i was skinny before but I have gained more than I thought(4 lbs). maybe that's why my pants are a little snug!! blood presure i think was 120 over 72??? i could be way off but i think that's what she said. Dr. Drake lubbed up my abdomen and slid the dopler around on it and tried to find the heartbeat. no luck but because i have a tilted uterus and i'm just 11.5 weeks it makes it harder to hear. three weeks ago i did see the hb on an ultrasound and Dr. Drake said he'll do another ultrasound in 4 weeks at my next appointment. The whole thing took about 20 minutes. I am excited to get another chance to see how big my peanut (My friend Lauren's endering tearm refering to my baby) is getting. I am a bit confused. I have read atleast 6 different books/websites and most of them don't agree on how big "peanut" really is, as small as a fig and a large lime to a small apple or a softball... that's quite a difference. All the organs are formed and working, as far as I know, and the next six months are just for letting the little Peanut grow. John and I have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. At first I really wanted to but I have realized that the supprise is worth the wait.
John and I have differing ideas as far as labor and delivery go. He does not want me to get an epidural... I being an optomist of course would like to have an all natural birth. There are pros and cons to both sides but I will feel especially proud if i can manage without. But I am not saying for certain that I will not. When I was 17 i had an ovarian cyst and the pain was so great, I threw up from it. Mom said that it is relitive to child birthing pains. Hmmmm no good. I have thought about taking the
Bradely method birthing class with John. It seems to be what we are planning on attemping to do. John also wants to deliver the baby. In a hospital with the Dr.'s help, but as he puts it he wants to catch the baby like it's going to shoot out of me like a rocket!!! I have been
watching several births online Half of the women are completely nakes and so it's a little weird but it give a good idea to what actually happens. Like all you moms and dad's don't already know(please don't look at the
very grafic videos, it is about a 21 week gestation birth and it will tear your heart out) I am confident that he will be able to pull the baby out and lay him on my tummy.
With the dr.'s help as long as everything is normal.But all the sucking of the nose and mouth and making sure I don't tear etc. I will leave to my doctor.
Well if I'm going to get my nap I must get off the computer. I think the painters are done with my building for right now, it seems to have quieted down.