I'm doing alright. I gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks mostly from water retention. I can press down on my shin and an indentation stays. It's kinda gross. I had an appointment yesterday and I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead (I'm only 34 weeks but I'm measuring as someone who is 38 weeks along) which is a little nerve wracking. We will schedule the c-section for 7/7/08 which is three days earlier than I thought, 8 days before the due date. He mentioned to me that he is the on call doc for the fourth of July weekend... Making me a little nervous. I really would prefer not to go into labor but at the same time I don't want to have a huge baby. I don't know what I could have done differently, I ate much better with this baby and was more active. I have gained up to now a little more than half of what I did with Brandon so I think I am just destined to have big babies. As long as the baby is healthy and I'm healthy that's all I really care about. I don't think I'm ready to spend another 6 days in the hospital. Most of that was on bed rest so you can imagine how horrible it was... If this baby is healthy and I don't develope anything we should be discharged on that Thursday.
My mind is spinning over all the things I NEED to get done.
Put in cabinets and book shelves in the family room
- Move old book shelves into my craft room for yarn/ knitting and paper storage
- Knit a million things for the baby, but blue or pink???? Maybe I'll just stick with ivory or white
- Pack for the hospital
- Move a love seat to our bedroom
- Buy changing pad, nightlight for our room
- Lower our bed so I'll be able to get into it better. right now it has to be 3 1/2 feet up
- Make out a schedule for whoever is watching Brandon
- Set up the guest bedroom for the people who will be staying to watch Brandon
- Make food to freeze so we'll have something to eat when we get home
- And last but not least, we have to tell John's mom that she cannot smoke at all while she watches Brandon and that we will no longer be visiting over to their house so long as she does so. Brandon's health and the health of the baby isn't worth it. Hopefully this will give her the reason to quit.
Will there be enough time??? For some reason having the surgery date move up just those few days and realizing that I may have this baby a lot sooner than any one thought if I go into labor is making me panic. I got up two hours early because I can't sleep. Just keep me in your prayers. Pray for my sanity, mine and the baby's health, John and my stress level, Brandon's behavior and acceptance of the new baby, friends and family that will help with all the chaos and pray that John's mom will be understanding and realize the importance of our decision...
I'm not sure