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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Smell this....

So here is actual proof that I did make Banana Bread today. And let me tell you, if it tastes as good as it smells then we are all in for a treat!!! Mmmm

Easy to follow directions for Banana Bread:
You put this

into here , then

put these into

this for 50 minutes at 350 degrees

Then you poke it with a toothpick to be sure it's done.... and it should look like this

Good Luck!!! Hope this helps!

So I am learning how to knit and have been able figure it out thanks to mom and a couple books and websites information. Unfortunately, my first attempt I started out making 22 knits per row and about 12 rows later have 36 knits... That's bad. Calling mom to urgently figure out what I can do to fix my problem and the advice to me broke my heart. "Rip it out and start over". Loving words only someone who has known how to knit since the age of five could only say. Dad just said "knit one pearl two." well I'm not pearling yet so unfortunately being married to an expert doesn't make you one in dad's case... Very disappointed. John will be wondering what I did today and I won't have anything to show for it.... 'cept a pile of yarn that was to be my beautiful scarf.

I am proud that I was able to get it that far without noticing any problems. I have also attempted to crochet and I'll leave that to Tami.... Besides, It's more fun to receive booties that someone else made than to give them to yourself.... Right??? I'm thinking it took about three hours to get as far as I did... well I was watching Anne of Avonlea too. How the heck to people have the patience to make afgans and sweaters?? I mean honnestly, it must take hundreds of hours!!!

We are having pork ribs in the slow cooker tonight and our house has smelled like bbq sauce since noon... I just hope they turn out alright. It's always nerve racking making dinner in the crock pot. For Mom's 60th birthday I made potroast and was parrinoid i was going to overcook it... well apparently when you cook it in the crockpot the longer the better. So everyone was nice and said it tasted good... Liars... What family won't do to hurt your feelings. I had some and I know what it tasted like.... The vegetables, potatoes and gravy were all good. Luckily I made extra gravy for my tough roast. But since we were feeding 10 adults there were't any left overs and didn't have to think of a way to use it for another meal at our house.

Oh the joys of being newly married. I instantly wanted (want) to be the queen of everything domestic. I sometimes feel like Alyssa and I are in a (friendly) competition for who can be the most like Martha Stewart... aside from that whole scandal and jail thing.... and I fear that if we were to count points now she would have me beat ten fold. I haven't even had a party here yet. She is able to plan a million things at once and still pull of everything beautifully. There is no better complement than for her to ask me how to do something. and not just because she is my older sister but because for forever she has "known everything". But I do hope some of her skills rub off on me. I have no idea how Mom, Alyssa and Tami have been able to have kids and run a household... I have of course seen each house out of sorts but I have no kids, just a lame job and a wonderful husband and I am still in last place, well Toni and I tie for last... I am certain that having kids won't give me the energy to keep up a household... so what is it that keeps them ontop of things??? I can't even go grocery shopping without forgetting something. Speaking of, I didn't make banana bread yesterday and they are at the end of their rope. Nice and black... But before they are unsalvageable I should go and do that now before John get's home and wants dinner....