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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

No, I didn't fall off the face of the planet... I have just been not able to get my thoughts together... On Sunday John discovered that we had a leak in the kitchen... So Monday came and Tuesday came and finally on Wednesday the plumber came to fix our sink at 8 in the morning... And as you know, John and I are not morning people. How can you be when I don't get home till midnight from work??? Then around 11:30 the drywall guy came and patched up the hole in the wall... Thursday came and I had to be at work for a meeting and the painter was supposed to come sometime between 9-4. Well I wasn't about to wait all day for him to get here so I left early and hung out at mom and dad's house. When I got home from scrambling to find lift tickets for John to go skiing on Meadows (no luck) we had a note on our door reminding us that we needed to have all our furniture moved out of our living and dining areas so they can quickly replace our carpet.... Well It's now 11:30 and they aren't even here yet. I can't get ready for work. My uniform is in the wash and if I had a camera I would show you how accessible that is. the couches are standing up on end, my bathroom has that gigantic cross and our coffee table and misc boxes in it, Our kitchen has our pantry shelves, table and chairs and all the groceries and tins that I didn't get put away... I haven't had anything to eat since before 8 last night and I'm ravishing... I might just walk to McDonald's. I can't get to my bathroom, or the kitchen, I can take a shower in the master bath but to get ready to go anywhere is impossible. This is just getting a bit ridiculous!!!

So last night was John's 30th birthday and some friends took us out for dinner. We came home and started destroying the apartment.... Trying to squeeze as much as i could in as little space I was scooting the bookshelf closer to the bathroom and my shelf that Alyssa gave me years ago that had all my precious wedding keepsakes on it fell to the ground and broke... And this is after John accidentally laid the couch leg against the wall crushing a porcelain cross Toni bought for our wedding.... I lost it. This is the tip of the ice burg for me.... All the crap that happened last summer with the bugs and the painting and the upstairs neighbors bathtub leaking through the ceiling.... And now this, the week before Christmas. Andrea, Have you been able to make cookies yet?? NO, I haven't been able to use the kitchen for most of the week. Have you had time to get the baby's room ready. No, I haven't had time, I was too busy mopping up the gallons of water that spilled out of our sink and washing the towels to do that on a daily basis..... ARG!!!

Well the carpet installers just showed up and quoted an hour and a half. If everything turns out okay then John and Eric can move the furniture back and I might be able to eat something before I go to work!!! And then I read last night that if we are planning on installing new carpet for the nursery don't do it while I'm home because of the new carpet fumes.... well Sherlock... Where shall I go? There are carpet installers blocking our doorways with padding and old carpet and they must be glueing something, It smells like a hot glue gun.... Prisoner in my own home. Well, I am gonna stop complaining and read about how big peanut is and what miseries are in store for me this week. Getting my shoes on is a challenge, going to the bathroom is getting very interesting.... I am starving all the time and Peanut is kicking the crap out of my cervix.... And they wonder why pregnant women have mood swings so often.