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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Apparently these are the celebrities that I look most like.... What do you think? I did a picture of John and he apparently looks most like Vince Vaughn, not so much to me, more like Ben Afleck or something... Anyhooo. The site is pretty cool, you can look up your geneology and make family trees and the like.
My left leg has been achy lately. When I sit down at the computer it's worse. But I can't seem to pull myself away from it. I spent most of the morning researching baby stuff to register for. I have been having a hard time sleeping, I don't see how I will be able to sleep on my left side all night long. Thinking about investing in one of those pregnancy body pillows. $40 is cheap if it'll allow me to sleep through the night. I already wake up parched and needing to pee at minimum three times a night. I hope John is used to it, I know it took me a long time to sleep through when he would get up in the night. I didn't think he did until I would find cereal bowls in the living room or empty ice cream containers.... Not in the garbage. But that's a seperate issue all together. He has been doing really well at the shop and is proud to tell me how much we have been making. He is upset as I am about the raise in our rent. Probably to pay for all the "upgrades" they did this summer. Rip off. So we either deal with the rent hike or find another place to live and move with in two months. Wish us luck. Good Greif.