23 week pictures (notice the pink bra and underwear???)

15 weeks
I didn't realize I was holding my boob in both pictures until they were already on here... compare it to my 15 week belly shot. I think I have a little more pigment in that picture too... But I'm sure that it's the lighting and not the fact that I lack pigment...
Well, I have 119 more days until my due date. Apparently only 5-10% of women deliver on their due dates... And labor tends to be about 3 times longer for first time moms than for moms who have deliverd before... So instead of a "short" 7 hour labor, I'm looking at somwhere between 20-24 hours!!! But as many of you have already been through this I am sure that's it will be well worth it. John is still trying to convince me that we are going to have ten kids. He is seriously delusional. Thanksgiving is coming up next week and John will be taking off a couple days next week. I just called work and I have it off so that will be great!
Last night I attemped for the third time to make Petit Fours. They turned out as expected. The Poured fondant was made from the Decorette Shops dry fondant mix, but I have read about making it yourself which might be just as easy and if not atleast more affordable. I was curious of people's oppinions on them, when you bite into them is the "covering" crunchy or is it a little softer??? I can't seem to remeber. All the times I have made them it's crunchy. But I seem to remember having one at work comercially made and it was a quite a bit softer. Kinda like the coating on a Hoho or Little Debbie snack cake. Wilton has a couple recipies for covering them and in one they use the candy melts and vegetable oil. That to me sounds like it would be creamier and a little softer. Others have suggested the melts and cream or half n half. I'm just desperate enough to try all of them. I don't really mind that they take forever. I think they are so cute that's they're worth it. I bought different colors for Christmas and with any luck we will be able to have some by Thanksgiving. I would love to bring some, only if they turn out though. I might just get so fed up with little cakes that I'll go crazy. Well the time is now 3:21 and I have to leave for work in 40 minutes. I'll see everyone at Becca's birthday tomorrow!