I have had loads of help getting the house into livable order from friends and family who have come over. I am trying to think of how I want it decorated and just how much more money I have to spend on different projects. I keep going back between something really elegant and something more country/old fashioned. I'm sure when I see something I like I'll know it. I looked through the Pottery Barn catalog and drooling over some furniture and drapes... Oh well. I suppose I'd have a better time if was able to decorate over time and relax then to get frustrated because I felt like I had to get it done in a certain amount of time. Alyssa has graciously offered her assistance in helping me. We have similar tastes in most things so that is going to be a big help. Now if we could just find the time when we could get together...
John's mom flew down to Las Vegas and his dad and oldest sister left today and are driving down. Please keep them in your prayers. Apparently Grandma Shirley will be having Chemo-therapy for 5 months and John's mom is going to try to stay down there for the whole time so she can take care of her. We aren't quite clear as to why she can't move up here and get treatment. Her doctor just has advised against this. I would like to go and see her sometime before the baby gets here but many airlines won't let pregnant women fly if they are past a certain month so we would need to do this within the next 4 months or so. We'll see. Well I hear Peanut crying upstairs so I should go make sure he's okay.