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Friday, September 29, 2006

Lunch today folks is turkey chili and rice with a bowl of grapes... Mmmmm. Anyone want to come over and share? What's for dinner... Alyssa apparently isn't making homemade Macaroni and Cheese... I'll just suffer at work and have some fruit and Salmon chowder. Which isn't usually bad. Especially when I'm hungry. Last night I went shopping with Toni at Wal-mart and got some fall leaves cookie cutters. I saw an idea from a magazine to use clay and the cutters to make napkin rings and some fall decorations. Then I went to Michael's for half an hour and just walked around feeling yarn and imagining us in a house by Christmas and how I want to decorate it. I didn't buy a single thing.
I came home and instantly remembered that I needed to get 9 volt batteries. Our smoke alarm has been beeping all week and I never remember to get them until I'm home and hear it remind me. So I had John pick some up on the way home. He brought me a bouquet of flowers!!! So sweet. He hopped in the shower and I attempted to replace the battery. Being barely 5'3 makes things hard even with a chair so he had to come to my rescue and finish the job. I didn't help that the alarm only had one screw when there should be 4 and all the fasteners but one were broken off... But we finally got to sleep in a house with no beeping. We have three alarms and they are all within 5 feet of each other. Not one if them is in the kitchen where it should be. We have yet to get our ceiling painted since our leak back in the spring. Not so much on top of things are they... Shannon and I get to have lunch together and that will be great! I haven't seen her for months. Next weekend is the Greek festival and I am really excited to go. Even though we had Gyros again for dinner. I was too tired to be creative and we already had most of the ingredients. I just hope the weather holds out, the last couple of years it has been great! I don't even know if Tom knows I'm pregnant. not that you can really tell unless I'm wearing a maternity shirt. What a supprise. Now we just have to figure out where we put those tokens from last year!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Apparently these are the celebrities that I look most like.... What do you think? I did a picture of John and he apparently looks most like Vince Vaughn, not so much to me, more like Ben Afleck or something... Anyhooo. The site is pretty cool, you can look up your geneology and make family trees and the like.
My left leg has been achy lately. When I sit down at the computer it's worse. But I can't seem to pull myself away from it. I spent most of the morning researching baby stuff to register for. I have been having a hard time sleeping, I don't see how I will be able to sleep on my left side all night long. Thinking about investing in one of those pregnancy body pillows. $40 is cheap if it'll allow me to sleep through the night. I already wake up parched and needing to pee at minimum three times a night. I hope John is used to it, I know it took me a long time to sleep through when he would get up in the night. I didn't think he did until I would find cereal bowls in the living room or empty ice cream containers.... Not in the garbage. But that's a seperate issue all together. He has been doing really well at the shop and is proud to tell me how much we have been making. He is upset as I am about the raise in our rent. Probably to pay for all the "upgrades" they did this summer. Rip off. So we either deal with the rent hike or find another place to live and move with in two months. Wish us luck. Good Greif.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I read in a book somewhere that I should be going to the bathroom less now in my second trimester than before... The book is lying. Monday I thought I was going to have another ultrasound but that didn't happen. After waiting half an hour in the waiting room with mom I was finally called in, the nurse said I had gained 4 pounds since my last appointment and that it was a good amount. Alyssa, I feel your pain. But I have been overweight my whole life so gaining weight for the baby is the only good reason I have had so far. Then we waited in the exam room for about another 20 minutes. Dr Drake found the heartbeat in about 10 seconds and it was so great to hear. I have heard the sound before but never with me. It all still seems like a movie to me. Or it's an elaborate joke someone is playing on me. I think I have felt the baby move. Pretty sure, but nothing will compare to when John and I will feel it kick and somersault in my belly. We scheduled my next appointment and my "Big Ultrasound" two weeks after that. 8:30 in the morning. I don't know how I am going to do it.
I have been waking up early lately and not been able to get back to sleep. I usually hop on the computer or read some more about my pregnancy or what's the best baby gear to get. And after about an hour I get sleepy again and get back in to the warm bed with John. Hopefully not to wake him up before he goes in the shower for 20 minutes. Not leaving me with any hot water. So a shower before 10am is not usual. Well Monday it had to be and it was the coldest shower I have ever had to take. I just washed my hair. I couldn't bare the cold any more.
We just got a notice from our manangement about our lease running out. We have 2 more months. IF we renew a 6 month lease will be $750 a month (35 more than we're paying now) 12 month lease is $720 and month to month is $775!!! Ridiculous. I hope this motivates John more to look for a house. Apparently the prices are only for the valued members of the community! Don't I feel special now!!!
I was thinking about getting one of these t-shirts to wear when I'm out in public... But I'll probably make my own, $23 for a t-shirt ? No thanks! And then embellish it with other answers to popular questions like breastfeeding and what diapers we are using and so on. What fun! Well I just got the mail and want to look at the cool catalogues I just got.

Friday, September 22, 2006

15 weeks

My sad attempt to take a belly shot. The real difference between this and before I was pregnant is now my tummy is hard... Or getting there. I think its the baby pushing up all my organs that used to be down there. Everything is more condensed and compact. Still squishy in some spots. But I am in no way huge yet.... I am very anxious for my next appointment. According to "Your pregnancy week to week" I am supposed to start sleeping on my side. Not for medical reasons now but just so I'll be used to it by the time I'll need to. Laying in bed last night I always spoon being John, but I got a little paranoid... Was his body heat and mine raising the baby's temperature??? I didn't feel like I was overheating but I couldn't help but get worried. I got up to turn on the fan and slept on my other side. The book also said that "Peanut" is about 4 1/2 inches and about 1.75 oz. The size of a softball.... Hmmm Funny, I had ovarian cysts that big once... Not as comfortable as I am now. But in the end it's apparently the same kind of pain. Yippee!!!

My weekend is over and that makes me sad. I have however been asked by two friends of mine separately to have lunch with them later on this week. Michelle just got married in August and we are meeting at Olive Garden after my ultrasound and Shannon, whom I work with but haven't seen in two months cause of schedules, and I are going out next Saturday... Don't know where too though, I went to Gustav's last sat with John and nearly ate myself sick their food is so good!!! And Olive Garden with Toni and now Michelle. Maybe we'll hit the Old Spagg and have spumoni (sp?) Ice cream... Speaking of restaurants in Clackamas I hear they are building a macaroni Grille. I have only been to one once and I thought the food was really good, I had lasagna and I can't remember what John had, something with noodles though. Duh!!!

Well my lovely family and friends, I must find something to eat before work. Goodness knows when I'll be able to eat again... Especially with my co-workers.

P.S. Shannon, Indir is the Neanderthal that told me to watch what I ate. You know he dips everything he puts in his mouth in remoulade right. Fat bastard....

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Where do the weeks go? It's been almost that long since I've written anything. Not that I don't have the time but the only thing interesting that has been happening to me is my pregnancy and I don't want to bore ya'll with that all the time. Interesting evening, I had my first real Bitchy pregnancy moment. I guess not helping me finish folding the laundry before getting into bed with the clothes on it, not helping me "turn off the house" and not helping me clean up after dinner is a big deal to me, And of course telling me when to go to bed. it started out fine, but everything that John did last night was irritating me and I finally just snapped. And of course he doesn't understand. Why should he when I don't half the time. Tell me this will stop. I will be easy going and loving again and not want to punch him in the gut. Why do some of my pregnancy symptoms make him happy while I have to suffer through them? Not to get into detail but I think you can use your imagination.
I have another doctor appointment on Monday and we will be doing another ultra sound. I'm really excited to see the baby again and see the heartbeat. Toni will hopefully be going with me as John has to work. One of these days he'll get out for an hour or so I just have to schedule the appointments earlier in the morning. Which will be hard for both of us. I want him to meet the doctor before I go into labor at least once.
I went online to Old Navy last week and bought some maternity shirts. they came two days ago but the UPS guy didn't leave a note on our door. Let alone knock. I was here all day and certainly up by 11 when they said he came by. Anyway. I haven't found any cute pants that I must buy, the pants that have been donated to my cause are still too big in the belly... Which is good. I would shoot myself if I fit into the same size as their 8 month belly. Speaking of. What is with people telling me indiscreetly I need to watch my weight. The other day one of the servers said out loud "everyone here is loosing weight except for one" and he looks right at me... then on Monday that same server said to me as I was searching for a snack to calm my ragingly hungry stomach only for him to say "be careful, not too eat too much. " Okay Jerk. I haven't eaten anything since 2:30 and it was now after 8. any normal human would have been hungry by then... But apparently I should have been able to wait. I told him that he was really irritating me. If he says one more thing I'm going to HR. I am trying to not let comments irritate me. One of the front desk ladies calls me pudgy. WTF! Sorry for the language but I have always been overweight and just because I'm pregnant doesn't give them an excuse.... Most of the time I get comments like how many more months ("Oh, I thought you were farther along than that!") and when do you find out if it's a boy or girl. and then when I say not till march they don't quite get it. then they get upset and think I'm dumb or being selfish.
"How are you going to plan your nursery?" "how are you going to choose a name?" "Well the gift I want to give you is gender specific and I need to know in order to get it for you." People get a grip! I loath the day when strangers realize that i'm pregnant and feel the need to give me advice.
How am I going to get through this???
I am going to stop complaining. I need to get a new bra. Oh what fun that should be

Friday, September 15, 2006

pregnancy week by week

Well it's official. I am on to my second trimester... For a while it felt as though I would never get here. I had a couple of nice days off. Mom and I went to Rossi Farms and picked up some sweet corn and I'll be making some to take to work tonight. We also went to Bed Bath & Beyond and I bought a new duvet cover for our bed. The one we have been using has been tearing and looking really shabby. Went grocery shopping and made gyros for dinner... no feta though. 1) I couldn't find it at the store, 2) I'm not sure if feta is pasturized, if not that's a big no no... The Greek Festival is coming in the begining of October. John and I have a friend that works it and who is the most greek person I know, not that I know many. A couple years ago he gave us a bunch of token that buy food and drinks for free and we have been using them for a couple years atleast. And Oktoberfest in Mt. Angel is also here... this weekend. But I have to work and if I can't drink Beer then why go??? I have been trying to get organized and so far it isn't as easy as I thought. We don't have the room not to be though and it's a struggle to do anything. In order to get it "organized" I have to make everything a mess. by the time that happens i'm too tired to finish and it looks worse than before I started!!! I need a magic wand. I mean, I still have my wedding dress hanging up in my closet, out of the bag.... I don't know where it is.... it needs to go to the cleaners... Well I need to get going. not a very productive day, I need a nap

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

For those of you who might sympathize with me I thought I would tell you I just threw up breakfast... Banana bread and hot tea isn't that bad coming up. I'm just glad it was something soft. unlike cereal. I have been one of the lucky women who has only gotten sick a few times. Three to be exact. and it seems to be worse the farther along I am. I will be at 14 weeks on Friday and officially out of the first trimester. Now the banana bread that I haven't finished is sitting here on my desk mocking me saying "you know you want to eat me, I taste so yummy!" But of course that is the last thing I want to eat. My throat hurts and I am hungry again... but the thought of eating anything right now is not tempting... Now I really need that shower...
A correction.

The listing 60776996 is incorrect. It should have been 6077697. Thanks dad for looking at them. I couldn't figure out why the house you didn't like was one I didn't even pick... And it was in McMinville too!!! Anyway, thanks for looking at them. The one you like the best has a nice kitchen... Well so far as the picture is telling the truth. Not too fond of the red white and green tiles but maybe I can really put John's heritage into decorating the house... All I need is a giant Italian flag, some leather boots and some Pinot Grisio. The one that should have been listed yesterday is nice too...it's been updated a lot. John is going to be meeting/talking with Greeg Goosetree today about looking at more houses coming up soon. He is the guy who played guitar durring the worship time for our ceremony. He sells houses and he can sing too... today is my Friday and I am hopefully going to go and get some Maternity blouses for work. They have to be white, long sleve and "professional" looking... So I'm guessing obnoxious cleavage is out... Dang! I need to get going or I'll end up staying on the computer all day till I have to drive to work.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Five years ago today I was laying in bed asleep when mom knocked on my door. I opened it to hear news that would change everyone's lives forever. "a plane has crashed into the twin towers s in New York City.... " It took me a while for me to understand what that meant. I kept thinking how horrible... how could that have happend? We went down stairs where we watched the the video from a tourist camers as he captured this horrible event. We watched as the second plane crashed into the other building. It was unreal. It felt like I was watching someone get murderd right infront of me and I felt sick to my stomach as the tears came. I felt as though I was there. As the week went on we learned that terrorists hyjacked the planes and intended to crash into the buildings in New York, Washington D.C.
It took me months and months to be able to look at the footage and not cry all day long. I would think about it and all the families that had lost someone they loved and it would bring me to tears. People wore the pins and hung out flags decorated their cars to show support for our country. Everyone seemed to come together and unite.
What a difference 5 years can make...
On a lighter note John and I have begun to look at houses. I hate to dissapoint Alyssa but the Coach house we looked at was horrible. Too cute in the pictures though. It was tiny, the building was a reproduction of an 1800's house and it looked like it was authentic. For being 20 years old it was in horrible shape. And it was also being used as a rental home and it was trashed. They are asking about 50k-75k too much for that small and run down of a house in my opinion. We also went to go look at another house that I have been eyeing on Craigslist. It would have been perfect, the bedrooms were nice and big, updated kitchen, deck, air conditioning, hardwood flooring etc. but it was on a semi busy street and the noise from the cars was a bit louder than we like. So if anyone can think of a way to cut the noise let us know. The property srtetches out to the street with no sidewalk so we would also have to put up a fence so the little one won't wander on to the road... One of John's friend's works for Haskins Reality and there are about 4 more homes on their website that I would like to look at. 60776996, 6070431, 6059803, and 6030697 are the MLS #'s if anyone is interested in looking at them and giving your thoughts.
Work last night was kind of a blur. We did 75 covers with two servers. Very hectic. Not my favorite kind of evening. I did however make about $136 last night and since I have cut down my serving shifts it was nice to get some cash. I didn't get a chance to eat anything last night until I came home at about 11:45. The last thing I did have was a Zesty Chicken Bowl from taco bell around 2pm right before we went house touring... Peanut was not happy, I need to figure out something to snack on when we get busy like that... and honnestly, I was running most of the night, so there really wasn't much time to eat anyway. It's not fair on my body to be that busy and I pray that it won't affect the baby at all. We have another hectic weekend next and I hope to be a little more prepared. Well I am needing a shower. I'm headed over to Toni's house to look at some brochures.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I have been looking at all the pregnancy recourses that are online... Still none of them can agree on what the size of my baby is. At thirteen weeks though they have all agreed that I am out of the danger zone and are free to tell my family, friends and co-workers... Well I can understand why someone might not want to tell people before their first trimester is over... But if no one knows you're pregnant then how are you going to cope if you do have a loss. I have only had experience (luckily) with one person very close to me with a miscarriage. If I hadn't known that Toni was pregnant in the first place how much of a hardship for her to go through that with no one knowing and then to announce that they were pregnant and then to say they lost the baby??? I never understood why so many people keep their lives a closed book. Especially to family. I agree that under certain circumstances that it's necessary, but the average family is disfunctional. At least in my experience and what I have been told from friends about their family. I wish that everyone would live with an open mind to sharing. How are we best to grow together as a family if we are all keeping secrets, or have unresolved issues??? I am glad to have the family that I have. It was hard at times while I was growing up. I could not see the wonderful plan that God has laid out for me. Talking to my mom last night helped me realize that we all wish that we could change our past. But as I look back now giggling, I can definitely say the the good outweighs the bad. I have many more fond memories growing up in that house on Shaver Street than I have of memories I wish to forget. Each one has or will teach me something. I hope to someday share them with my children.
Natalie always the curious asks everyone to "tell me a story about when you were little" It's hard to think of one that I think she'll understand or be amused with. How can you tell your niece a store of when you were little when it's strange to think that you are "grown up"? Even Alyssa who has three children I can still see as a teenager playing her Michael Jackson Thriller or Cindy Lauper record in her bedroom. She would let us (Toni and I) come in her room and we would dance in front of the big mirrors in front of her closet. Plastic bangles and ratted hair... Bop magazine pictures plasterd on her wall... Oh how cute Cory haim was and how cute cory feldman wasn't... Watching "Three Amigos" over and over and singing "My Little Buttercup" during that part in the movie. "who are these monkeys??" I still say that all the time and no one gets it 'cept my family. And that's what I love about it. Our spouses are starting to transform into Roush's but it will take a long time yet, Mom still is adapting to how strange we are... I think we came out that way.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.

At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.

When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.

Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.

You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.
Sometimes I guess these things are right!!! I wonder what John would get... He's also a third born but the baby of the family and after his younger sister was 8.
I am attempting to make potroast again for dinner tomorrow and have invited mom and dad over. John won't be home till it's time for them to leave... I wish he would come home at a decent hour on the nights that I have off. It would be so nice.
Well, I bought my first pair of maternity pants today. The pants I have for work are getting tighter and tighter each week. These pants are so comfortable... I should have tried on more styles. But as we are saving for a house I didn't feel like was at liberty to buy more. I have a box full of clothes from Alyssa and Tami that I will be able to wear soon. Most of them won't fit until I am truly showing but I can wear sweatpants till then I suppose. First trimester is almost done. I am excited. Apparently it's the most comfortable I'll be until this baby is deliverd. I'll look forward to less nausia and being so sleepy all day long. It will be fun to feel the baby move for the first time and to have John see and feel all the kicks. It must be hard for a man to miss out on all the exciting things that happen. I am glad that he wants to be involved in the labor and delivery part.... just if he would get more enthusiastic about everything that happens before.
It's been nice to be at home and not have neighboor kids running around my porch and making all kinds of noises. I can handle a few in the pool but when there are 20 of them and the are all yelling, it gets old real quick.
Time to make dinner, we are having chicken and dumplings... One of my favorites.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor day is for shopping....

Toni and I ventured out yesterday to Jo-Ann's fabric and craft store and what a sale they were having. Everything I bought was onsale and ontop of that there was a 10% off your entire purchase coupon... Lots of fun. Gonna get my sewing machine out tomorrow and try to finish a few things. I bought a "boppy" form and it came with a pattern to make your own covers, I bought some fleece with stamped letters and numbers on it for $2.50 a yard. What a steal!! They had fall table cloths and all sorts of decor... Since I was there earlier that week I decided not to go overboard. We had fun looking at all the clothing patterns and the victorian and regency era costume patterns. Just if I had the skill money and time I would be the most out of date person you had ever met... and well this "bun in the oven" is making it hard to decide what size i am anyway... I bought a vouge pattern for maternity wear in the size i think i am. the measurements were strange though. It gave measurements for someone who isn't pregnant on it. When was the last time you saw someone pregnant and had a smaller tummy than their breasts or hips??? so I juts bought the pattern size that would fit my bust area... Hopefully that works.

Sunday afternoon I had my second episode of morning sickness.... and felt like crap for most of the night at work. Today is my friday and I am looking forward to getting things done around the apartment tomorrow. Well, I think I'll take a nap before I have to go to work. It was a late night for me yesterday and it's going to be the same tonight...

Friday, September 01, 2006

Can anyone give me ideas on how to bring in the fall this year??? I brought out all the decorations I had fun making last year and put them up. I need some new ideas on how i can make it a little more festive. I'll take picture later, John took the better camera to work today. I love this time of year, before you know it I'll be putting up a Christmas Tree and getting that decorated too. Yea for fall!!! P.S. my birthday is in 3 months and 3 days.....