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Sunday, January 28, 2007

I thought I was going to breeze through this pregnancy with out any stretch marks.... Yesterday they reared their ugly head. I have been keeping an eye out for them. I have had stretch marks since 7th grade other places so I was surprised that I hadn't gotten any considering my belly was getting as big as it is. I would check my belly out every day, different lighting, checking under my bellybutton cause I can't really see it any more on my own. And lo and behold I discovered a couple on the right side and one or two on my left. I don't really notice them if I look in the mirror, I have to tilt the hand mirror underneath and let the light hit just right for them to be seen. Which is a good thing.... My left foot has decided to get swollen. I remember Alyssa and her swollen feet. But it was summer time and the heat makes mama's more susceptible to that. I was working on the baby's room all day yesterday. I washed all the gender neutral clothing and all the baby blankets that I have received from John's grandma and others. I went through all the boxes that were on the bed, and John is going take them out to the trash and Goodwill. Right now I have a serious case of heartburn but we are out of milk so I might be forced to take a tums. I have heard that the calcium in tums won't always break down and can cause stones... So I try to think of other methods to tame my burning throat. Milk is what does it for me and we have been out since yesterday morning after my cereal. I was supposed to go shopping but I hate having to bring in all the bags myself, and John didn't get home until after 6 last night so I just decided not to go...I still have a huge thing of laundry detergent in the back of my jeep that I bought last week on Tuesday. I suppose I could bring it in but I don't wanna.
Hmmm what else?
This is the last week that I'll be at work. And it couldn't come soon enough. Not that I won't miss it, but really, I would much rather not sit in traffic for 40 minutes everyday and then be uncomfortable at work for more than 6 hours. And then to drive home late and John being to tired to have a conversation with me. When I get out of the car my body is so achy from work that I hobble down the pathway and feel like collapsing.
Well, John and I are going to be moving the computer into the bedroom and cleaning out the baby's room. Maybe we can order the crib and get all the baby furniture taken care of my first week off. To get a changing table or not? I would like one that doubles as a dresser, John's folks have one they bought and repaired for us but it's stained a dark cherry so I think I'll move the white dresser I have been using into the baby's room and attach a changing pad to that... And use the dark one in our room. I don't know how I'll get all my clothes in that one though, it's a lot smaller.
Hmmm we'll see how that works!

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