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Friday, January 05, 2007

Well yesterday was a very eventful day. I had been spotting a tiny amount of blood and it looked old and the doctor said on Wednesday that it was most likely from intercourse.... So I didn't think anything of it. I went to mom and dad's house after my appointment because I hate being home alone. I was a little crampy and my sides were achy... But I thought that it was just growing pains, I kept feeling Peanut moving around and knew that the baby was fine. After all I just came from the doctor. The achy and crampyness continued through the night and the next morning I woke up to go to the bathroom and there was bright pink blood on the tissue. I knew that something wasn't right, Dr. Drake told me to call him if anything changed. I called the office and they told me to go to the hospital's labor and delivery unit... I (secretly) started to panic ... John offerd to take me but I didn't want him to worry. The drive there was agonizing. I hadn't felt the baby move all morning so I was getting freaked out!
I got to the hospital with no problem. Finding the L&D was a whole other story. when I did find it I was placed in an exam room and asked to pee in a cup. then I was hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and contraction monitor. The doctor came in and asked me standard questions. As soon as I was strapped in Peanut started to wake up and bounce all around. It's kinda funny but peanut does that at the doctor's office when we're checking the heartbeat. It made me feel so much better seeing all the movement. I was on the monitor for a little more than an hour and had one contraction durring that time. They tested my urine and it turns out I have a Urinary Tract infection which is very comon in pregnancy. That is most likely where the blood came from and the cramping. It didn't and hasn't hurt to pee so I didn't think that was possible. But I have been put on pelvic rest until Monday and told to drink plenty of water... not my favorite beverage and to take a huge horse pill twice a day. I have a follow up appointment on Monday to make sure I'm improving. Apparently UTI's can cause kidney problems and lead to premature labor... John was thrilled that this was all that was wrong and so was I. I would rather be uncomfortable for a week (or 40) than have something wrong with the baby.
Today we are getting a new dishwasher put in and I can't wait. They just came to inspect the wall where all the water damage had been and I showed them the spot of new mildew from the upstairs neighbors pipes. They told me that our pipes were connected and they will be checking for leaks in the upstairs apartment too. I just hope all this chaos is over intime for us to "nest". we have to get rid of a love seat and make room for the computer desk. I am debating whether or not I want to have the baby in our room or just to have shim in the next room the whole time. I suppose that's something we'll have to decide when the baby gets here. Ten weeks as of today! It still seems unreal to me that I have a baby inside me. I guess it won't seem real until I'm holding our baby in my arms and try to see what parts look like me and John.


Alyssa said...

I'm glad everything is okay. Say, when is your last day of work?

Mama Cimino said...

I haven't decided yet. Right now I still feel good other than this peeing all the time bit. I have been a little naucious and almost threw up in the pharmacy yesterday, but I asked and the pharmacist said that the med can cause that. plus diarreah!!! SO I was thinking about working until atleast the end of January no longer than the 16th of Feb a month before I'm due. I am getting weekends off now so I can now go to church and we start our birthing class on Sunday nights. Now I won't be the one missing out on family functions... that is if we have any before I'm through with work... How early did you take off? I will be going on COBRA probably until April just incase the baby is real late and then switch companies again. I have been poking around at different companies and havn't made up my mind yet.... the dishwasher is almost done getting put in. I love having new things, our carpet is so soft... and fluffy. who needs a pet when i can just stroke our new carpet? I might need to pick your brain a little bit about this whole baby thing. I am getting a little freaked out. The more I feel the baby move the more it seems real to me. But it is still strange to me to think that in less than three months we'll have a baby. and one that stays with us and that we can't give back to anyone. When does it kick in? at the hospital when your pooping on the delivery table? or when the cord gets cut or when you're at home for the first time and the baby's sleeping and you don't know what to do?

Alyssa said...

I worked up until a month before the due date.

As far as "when does it kick in" well...it's different for everyone, but it was probably as soon as I saw Natalie in my arms, but I was so exhausted by then that it didn't really hit me until the day after the delivery. Then I had baby blues for a week or so and was just out of it. I hope John will be able to take time off work...you will need his help the first few days/weeks.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are feeling better, I remember I got a yeast infection with Isaac, I was throwing up and had a temperature, the doctor said it was normal to have those reactions when pregnant, I also got dehydrated, its just awful!
so my little input on when its all "real", I think holding him in my arms, was so real, then even now, I look at my boys, and think, holy cow, when did I get boys? how have I am I reaising two little boys, its almost sureal to me still that I have the two sweetest little boys, its amazing!
You will do great, you will be a natural mommy, but you will definately want the help of your hubby and hopefully family, it is definately a different thing changing diapers on newborns and nursing, if you are going to nurse! I swear I was toppless for the first 2 weeks of learning how to nurse, I need all the room with no clothes on me to get in my way.. I think my mom has seen way too much of me.hahaha.. oh well that is what they are there for.
I never have had the baby blues, but I definately got overwhelmed a bit, because they are so tiny! you will be great!!!!! talkt o you later