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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 18, 2007

This is the extremely short version of the birth and up to today. I keep remembering details. It's a lot easier for me to say it than to remember it and type it out. Monday and Tuesday are such a blur... I don't remember much after the delivery.

To give a little background, this little stinker was a breach baby, we tried doing a version but it didn't work. So we scheduled a c-section for Monday the 12th.
First, it took 2 nurses and 4 attempts to get the i.v. in and started. Then I was wheeled into the o.r. to get the spinal and after 2 attempts that didn't work, I had to be put under... Not a good start. So what seemed like 2 minutes later I was waking up in the post op room and all I really remember is the staff running around and asking me questions. It was so weird, I didn't know what I had yet (surprise baby) but I wasn't pregnant and I didn't have the baby with me... They soon rolled me into my room and someone mentioned that my mom was waiting for me and I just start bawling. I was so emotional. I didn't know what was going on. As soon as I got in the room my husband came in and said that we had a beautiful baby boy!!! I was so happy! I started crying some more. I get told a little about the birth, he was 9lbs 15.5 oz and 19 1⁄4 inches long. Such a big boy! no wonder he didn't turn! it turns out that he had his cord around his neck and it also had a knot in it. So even if I were to deliver vaginally he would have most likely died. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He was so blue it took a bit of time to turn pink. He had quite a bit of fluid in his lungs and was taken to the level II nursery so he could have round the clock supervision. He was having trouble breathing and would continue to turn blue. We had tons of tests done and not to drag this out any further it turns out that he just needed a little more practice with the whole breathing thing. I ended up getting put on Magnesium and had extreemly high blood pressure. So I didn't get discharged until Friday but I'm staying in the hospital so I can be close to him and breastfeed. He ended up getting jaundice, so on the third day he was put under the billi lights and has been having treatments ever since but he is getting off them today and if he goes through today with out any problems then we get to take him home tomorrow. He has been doing really well the last couple of days with no problems what so ever. He looks just like his daddy, and just the most precious thing I have ever known. Good Luck to all the other March Mommies and to everyone else.

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